As I sit here in my room in darkness save from the light from the laptop screen, pretty much touch-typing, I'd looked at the clock and it is only 6pm. And what is so strange about it? Well, I am posting up this blog when usually I won't get the chance to until at least 10pm after the boys are asleep. And why? Both boys ARE asleep now!
For Brandon, this is his usual sleeping time. As he grows older, he dislikes being left on his own more and more. We still try to let him play by himself most of the time although sometimes he is too darn cute to resist. There are the smiles and the coos that keep us mesmerised to no end, and of course, his screams when he realised that he is alone in the room.
As with Bryan, his usual bedtime is 9pm but this cheeky monkey refused to take any naps the whole of today. He was running around and quite happily entertaining himself while I cooked dinner. But when it was time for him to have dinner (which I'd brought forward to 5:30pm seeing that he skipped his nap), the poor little boy's head was slumping with every bite he took. Seeing that, I had wanted to give him his usual bath and milk before bedtime, but alas, he fell asleep on my shoulder while I was removing his diapers! I ended up woping him down before putting on pyjamas on him and moving to the bed - all this while he was already asleep!!
Now it is time for VT and I to spend some quiet time together - quiet dinner, quiet dessert, quiet TV (we turn it down really low so that we can hear the boys upstairs).
P/S: Sorry for absence of photos. My laptop USB port is locked hence can't download the photos from the camera. Soon, yah?
Cheeky Cheeky Me
Happy Happy Me
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Wow... edi asleep by 6? Bryan won't wake up later in the middle of the nite? Anyway, enjoy ur quiet moments with VT!
heheheheh I love when my girl is asleep... so quiet.....
so envy your boys so *kuai* wan!! nice :D can enjoy some relaxing time ;)
wow so nice 6pm oredi zonked out...mine usually will wake up again at 8 later and won't sleep till like 12 am!!
So early sleep d.. envy envy!~
I wont say strange..maybe Lucky night. I always get excited once Philip falls asleep. Then I can go to the net n surf n watch tv..hehehe
My boy never once slept that early. I wonder how that feels ........ mmmmmmm maybe I'll go buy lottery that day. :P
those quiet times are so hard to come by... They are so precious ya...
that's rare to have those quiet times...i wonder when i will have mine..
very rare get "QUIET" moments. hahah enjoy to the max yeah?
My Darrius also dont wanna nap these days! But good also coz can put him to sleep sooner at nite!
hope u enjoyed ur "QUIET" moments! hehe... wen we get ours once in a blue moon, we tip tooed, we whisper, we do everthing in total silent! hahaha!
So what time did Bryan wake up? The next day morning?? Then that will be great. :)
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