Some of his favourite words:
- No way (mind you, he does this while wagging his forefinger at me! Usually said in response to sleeping)
- Many toys
- Many toys
- Mummy buy toys (even though he previously exclaimed that he has "many toys")
- Bryan wear nice shirt go party (we did have 2 birthday parties this weekend alone)
- Mummy make more nen-nen (this boy can drink milk the whole day)
- Mummy go (to) work
- Papa fix (whenever his toy is malfunctioning)
- Papa carry di di (whenever he doesn't want Me to carry Brandon)
- Mummy find tape (referring to his misplaced "Finding Nemo", "Madagascar", "Shark Tale" DVDs)
- Mummy build house (with his Megablocks)
- Bryan go su(per)mark(et) mum mum, go toy shop (refering to Toys'R Us)
Such innocence - I love it!
hahaha... you are right! I have a Rediffusion at home!
i have 1 chatterbox at home too! and soon ur Bryan will be calling u MOM instead!
haha... "no way" :P
my lil missy still not talking le. she will be 2 yr old in 3 months time. can't wait! haha!
awww... Now he is chattering away huh... So cute
soon your Brandon will call you out too :)
awww sweet when bryan calls u mummy.
i'll take note on the speech cos i think Philip will be like bryan...speak after 2..ahhahaha
When Aly and Sher couldn't talk yet, I was wondering when they would talk. Now, I wish they'd just shut up and leave me alone kakaka....
I'm now at the stage where I'm enjoying CE's 'chatter' and wishing XY wud shut up n leave me alone. *shake hands with Shireen*
awww... that is just so sweet! Incessant chatter from a young toddler is always so adorable....
Haha... pretty soon I'll have a chatter box at my home! :)
That's wonderful!
Sean is just a boy of one word still, but it doesn't mean he's not noisy. LOL
wah he can talk better than jayden!
he sure is a chatter box eh
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