Cheeky Cheeky Me
Happy Happy Me
Monday, 31 December 2007
We were at my cousin's late Xmas do last night and really, those were one of the times when we wished we could turn him off for a moment because he was everywhere! And poor VT had to go around chasing him the whole night while Mummy lied down like a piece of dead sardine. I would had thought that I would feel better after going off the hormone pills, but No, I still have evening sickness and get really tired by day end. I pity VT lah, because we have a little dynamo in our hands. Sometimes he looks so tired himself but I'm half-vegetable these days!
Tonight we are contermplating on going to a friend's house for dinner. I'm not that keen as it means another round of constant chasing for VT. But we'll see how it goes. If we stay in, we can at least see some fireworks from our house which are let-go at The Curve.
With that, I bid you farewell for 2007 and see you next year!
Friday, 28 December 2007
Is It My Imagination?
During night times, he has been waking up more often than usual accompanied by loud cries which is difficult to soothe. VT says that perhaps he's clued on to what is happening.
You think so?
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Return of the Appetite
Anyway, back to the topic. I was really surprised that I could eat and quite a bit too. And guess what? The food stayed down the whole time. Then of course, being good ol' worrisome me, I started to worry that something was amiss and freaked VT out as well. Good thing is that I had my scheduled appointment with the ob-gyn this morning. The scan shows a healthy little embryo and I even get to stop taking the hormone pills!
I can't wait to feel like old self again!
Monday, 24 December 2007
Tag: I've Been Tagged
Favourites Colour: Chilli Red
Food: Anything with potatoes
Movie: Enchanted
Sport: Running
Day: Sunday
Season: Spring
Ice cream: Coffee
Best friend: Bridget; still is!
Crush: A boy in my primary school
Movie: Nadia
Music: Nursery Rhymes?
Drink: Plain water
Car ride: Ikano back to home
Crush: My husband (then not lah!)
Phone call: Yee Keng, Bryan's godma
Music: Linkin Park
Gone out with good friends: a month ago
Broken a law: Jumped the red light!
Been arrested: No
I'm not tagging anyone else despite the clear instructions as I've seen this making its rounds.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
- Roast turkey
- Pork knuckles
- Salad
- and of course, my MASH
I'm looking forward to the gift-exchange session where I'm sure Bryan would enjoy ripping open his presents and playing with the boxes that toys come in.
Anyway, I'm off to catch a catnap now so wishing you and your loved ones-
Friday, 21 December 2007
What Goes In, Must Come Out
My ob-gyn says that being nausea is a good symptom is a healthy pregnancy so with that, I shall trudge on.
P/S: Thanks all for the various suggestions on my "Detour". I'm currently training Bryan to walk up the stairs while holding my hands. He refused to let the maid carry him. If I sleep at the in-laws, Bryan will sleep with them on the big bed. I "kena tendang" to the guest room.
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
A Detour
Now, I have the option of either:
(1) Letting Bryan spent the nights with my in-laws
(2) Bringing him home with me as normal
Like a "Detour" in the Amazing Race, each option has its own pros and cons.
In (1), I won't have to handle Bryan alone at night and in the morning rush. But it also means that I won't get to sleep with him for 4 whole nights!
In (2), our routine doesn't get messed up. However, I will have to carry a 26-pounder up 2 1/2 flights of stairs everynight.
Previously, I would had no qualms about choosing Option (2) but now, I should also think of my own well-being.
Which option should I choose?
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
New Mini Routine
On workdays, for a non-breakfast eater, I find myself gorging 2-3 slices of bread before the clock strikes 9am. Then any further thoughts of food is absolutely revolting thence. I am also fortunate to be able to self-declare half days. I'm now usually home before 4pm where I try to sneak in a 2-hour nap before heading over to my PILs to have dinner with Bryan there.
On weekends, shopping trips are now cut short so that I can again nap whilst VT looks after Bryan. Sometimes, I also nap in the morning if Bryan naps. So that's 2 naps a day! VT commented that I nap more than Bryan Ha ha.
Let's us hope that my body fully-adjusts to the new situation soon. Thanks everyone for the well wishes!
Monday, 17 December 2007
Diarrhoea Land
I pray everynight that he will get well soon. Otherwise, he is his usual happy & playful self; no vomiting or fever. It's just worrisome being a mother!
As for me, I've been taking 1/2 day off from work since I'm perpetually falling asleep at my desk. Speaking of which, I ought to lie down and get some Zzzzzzzzzzzs now.
Tag: Thanks for Being My Friend

Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Tag: Seven Facts About Myself
1) I'm go-getter. Once I've set my sights on something, I will go and get it. Whether I eventually get it or not, that is something entirely separate lah.
2) I enjoy good food. It doesn't need to be expensive or unusual; a good bowl of Asam Laksa always does the trick!
3) I love sleeping. I will sleep every opportunity I can. That's where motherhood has been such a challenge to me in this aspect.
4) I am a detailed and meticulous person (not to be confused with perfectionist). Other people call this trait anal ha ha.
5) I am God-fearing. I believe that only God has the power to change things in this world.
6) I am a born worrier. I worry about everything.
7) I'm a sucker for nice people. If people are nice to me, I would be 1000 times nicer to them.
Tag: The toughest job of all
Giddytigers wanted to know my sentiments on this topic:
No one wants to be the "bad cop" in the family. When I was young, I supposed my mother was "it" as my demands were always met with a "Ask Mummy". My parents have never laid a hand on me but I think my brothers kena whack a few times, but usually for severe disciplinary issues. Now that I'm a parent myself I like to think that I will spare the rod in most circumstances. The most I would do is a slap on the hand or buttocks. Don't think I can bring myself to cane - to think of it, don't think I will even own one.
Instructions :**Start Copying Here**Tag 5 bloggers1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.2nd - Let the blogger know that they have been tagged by leaving comment in their blog.
1. Miche does not spare the rod.
2. Msaufong spare the rod but not the VOICE.
3. Lemonjude reasonably spare the rod.
4. Shoppingmum spares the rod.
5. MummyInVain does not think of sparing the rod.
6. Giddy Tiger believes in disciplining with reasoning.
6. Bryan's Mama believes in sparing the rod.
Tag: Twenty Questions
Instructions:Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she had been tagged. Whoever did the tag will have the blessing from all.
1. You like rainy or sunny day? Why? - Sunny days, cos it makes me feel energetic
2. At what age do you wish to marry? - Before 30, which was what I did
3. What color do you like the most? - Chilli Red
4. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one? - Remind them how much I love them
5. Where is the place that you want to go the most? Why? - New York again, for the shopping!
6. Which part of you that you hate the most? - Pear-shaped physique
7. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? - Blog!
8. What is it that you are afraid to lose the most? - My family
9. If you win $1 million, what would you do? - Invest and make another $1mn
10. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? Or would you keep it to yourself and observe from afar? - Confess for sure
11. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. - Friendly, good blogger, caring mother
12. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half? - Caring, loving & responsible
13. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? - No regrets so far. Bad decisions were lessons learnt.
14. Which type of person that you hate the most? - Selfish people
15. What is your ambition? - Own my own bakery
16. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad? - Self-centredness behaviour
17. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? - Everyone in the family to be healthy & happy
18. Christmas is coming, who do you like to celebrate with? - My family
19. What do you think it's the most important thing in your life? - Honesty
20. My question: What puts an instant smile on your face? - Bryan
I'm tagging:
Little Chumsy
Desperate Mummy
The Good, They Bad & The Ugly
The Good
After weeks of feeling tired all the time, a little home kit proved what I suspected - I'm expecting #2!!! It's still very early days - only 8 weeks now and I'm very cautious as I had a miscarriage prior to Bryan. So no celebrations yet, people! Never theless, VT and I are both overjoyed by the thought of having another child. EDD is July next year, just a month short of Bryan turning 2. I've been put on hormone pills (same as when I was preggers with Bryan) and they make me nauseous and tired the whole day. But the pills are supposed to boost up the embryo's life support hence I'm gladly taking them.
The Bad
Bryan is down with diarrhoea again. This is only 2 weeks after recovering from the previous bout. This time, his bum-bum is all sore that when he poo-ed last night, he cried in such pain that we rushed him to the A&E at Damansara Specialist Hospital (my paed's clinic was closed due to the public holiday). The doc prescribed some cream, Smecta and also pain-killer, which I'm weary about. Anyway, this was right after I'd returned from work so didn't get to sit down for dinner till past 9pm. This morning, he poo-ed twice in a span of half hour so I made sure I changed him and kept his bottom dry and comfy. Poor boy! I am considering giving him the Rotavirus jab since he seemed to catch the diarhoea bug fairly often.
The Ugly
The internal auditors have been auditing my department for the past 2 weeks. I have been under a lot of strain and stress as a result. Not like I have been proliferating money from the bank but because this particular auditor has "bad blood" with me hence is out to "kena" me. I supposed all this really took a beating on me because during the scan this morning, the ob-gyn saw some bleeding near the sac and I've been sentenced to more rest and no stress.
As a result, I'd stayed home today and rested very well.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Tired, Tired, Tired
It has been a tiring trip, though it would good to have our "2nd honeymoon" as we left Bryan with my in-laws. I'm really looking forward to seeing Bryan as we missed him so much. Anyway, we walked and walked and walked (really missed our car too!). I just realised that we get most things in KL these days so I didn't shop much in Singapore. Just bought Bryan a Tigger stuffed toy as tall as he is!
I'm looking forward to going home and my baby.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Update on the Lil' Boy
Anyway, the good news is that Bryan didn't throw up today after his meals. The bad news is that he is still having a mild diarhoea - twice today, both times after his porridge. We're going to monitor him for one more day i.e. the re-hydration salt solution, Smecta, plain porridge and no-milk regime. I'd pray that he will be well tomorrow so that I can start giving him half-strength milk, at least. He kept pointing at his bottles - poor boy! Guess he misses his milk very much. As it is, he has been on soy milk since 9mths old as he developed CMPA after a bout of stomach flu. Weird right? Even then, paed says cannot drink. So tonight, I made the salt in some warm bottle and he wallop also. Think he knows got nothing else to drink.
I Wished I Had a Sister...
Just like today. There was supposed to be some good news. But the recipient reacted non-chalantly, like the "Oh, is it?" kind of response. I was disappointed and hurt but what to do, I cannot control other people's reactions right. If I had a sister, at least I can tell someone about how I am feeling now. Thank goodness for you all, my fellow bloggers!! *MUAKS*
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Tag: Age I Would Like to Go Back To
Received this tag from Slavery Bliss.
**************Start copy***************
Title: The Age That I Wish To Go Back To
Requirement: Write about the one age that you wish to go back to and why?
I would like to go back to my uni days in Melbourne because I feel like I studied too hard and enjoyed myself too little. I spent my days, including holidays, mugging. Although I earned good results, I don't think in my opinion that it really mattered at the end of the day since all of us graduated with the same degree. I didn't use the opportunity to travel around and see more things. What a waste!
The Age that they Wish to Go Back to:
Amidrin wish to go back to age 22 to correct back some mistakes in life.
Lemonjude wish to go back to age 6 to enjoy kid’s life.
L’abeille wish to go back to any year but never return to age 28.Sweetpea wish to go back to, actually, just thinking about 17.
Lovelymommy wishes to go back to age 21.
Laundryamah wishes to go back to the eve of my wedding day.
mommyof2angels wishes to be daddy's girl again.
Babybooned wishes to go back to the age of 18.
Slavemom wishes to go back to the age of 15, after the SRP exams.
Bryan's Mama wishes to go back to uni days.
I'm not tagging anyone cos I've seen this one go around already.
In and Out
I called our paed and asked him whether I should take Bryan off milk - confirmed yes. Apparently, the virus is around as he has been seeing quite a number of children with the same symptoms. Many had to be admitted into the hospital for drips! Yipes!! I was so worried, especially after remember what happened to poor Ethan.
When he woke up, he had another round of diarhoea so we decided to head home. I fed him some plain porridge with Smecta but that came back up as soon as it went down. So it was like this the whole day - feed, throw up, clean-up, diarhoea, wash bum-bum.
Tonight, I gingerly fed him some porridge. How can he sustain without his milk? He took half of it and thankfully, this time it stayed down and no more runs. We tried to give him as much of the re-hydration salt solution as possible (even to the extent of mixing it with Ribena to disguise the taste) but he probably took only 5ozs the whole day in between sips of plain water.
I'm going to be praying very hard tonight that Bryan's tummy just got a wee bit upset and nothing more serious. In tota for today, he vomitted 4 times and had 5 runs!
P/S: Sorry, had to edit and add in that I woke up on Saturday and miraculously, am ok! Thanks for all the well wishes everyone :)
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Tag: World's Best Friend Week

"Do you know the relationship between your 2 eyes? They blink together, move together, cry together, see things together and sleep together. Even though they never see each other, friendship should be just like that! Life is like Hell without FRIENDS. Its ‘World Best Friend Week’. Send this to your best friends to let them know you appreciate them. "
Your Love is Ur Heart,
Your heart is Ur Spouse,
Your spouse is Ur Future,
Your future is Ur Destiny,
Your destiny is Ur Ambition,
Your ambition is Ur Aspiration,
Your aspiration is Ur Motivation,
Your motivation is Ur Belief,
Your belief is Ur Peace,
Your peace is Ur Target,
Your target is Heaven,
Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS.
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Warning: Gross Details Inside!
Even after 2 doses of medication, I wasn't feeling any better at work so I decided to come home. The moment I'd arrived back, I had to rush to the toilet again to throw up (lunch, which was just 2 spoonfuls of kway teow soup) and if that wasn't enough, I had to take yet another dump. Didn't even give the WC a chance to fill the water up!! LOL
I'm going to lie in bed and rest now as my knees are wobbly already. Till then, I'm wishing myself "HAPPY TOILET DAY"!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Blog of the Month Award

Thanks, Wen for kindly giving me this award, which I am not sure whether I'm deserving of it! I told her that my blog can possibly be voted for the "Least photos on Blog" Award instead! kekeke
Never theless, I am truly honoured!
End of Long Annual Leave
1) Gone to Bangkok, but didn't buy anything hence no photo of goodies
2) Sprained my right ankle, but it's almost completely healed now. Just in time for me to wear those heels!
3) Be a SAHM, which of course, convinced me that it is the toughest job in the world
4) Blog and FC (if you're on it, please hook me up. I'm listed as Huang Paik Ling) like there is no tomorrow
So, once back at work I won't be able to post or visit your blogs as often - please understand yah :)
Today, I've left Bryan with my MIL so that I can clean-up the house a bit as it looks like it has been struck by a tornado. I'm also planning on doing grocery shopping for this week and catching some zzzzzzzz since Bryan woke up and stayed up for almost 2hrs in the middle of the night. He must be going through the "Let's have a chat at 4am" phase.
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Tag: Proudest Moment
My proudest moment is Bryan's first birthday. We were singing "Happy Birthday" when I was suddenly so over-whelmed with pride and happiness that tears started welling up in my eyes. I thought of all those times when it was so tough to just get through the day due to lack of sleep, and all the frustrations when everyone butted in with their own rubbish advice about child-caring. And there we were that day, celebrating his 1st birthday! *sniff*sniff*
I'm passing this tag to:
Desperate Mummy
Hui Sia
That One Moment
Then after an hour or so, he starts crying because he probably realises that he is now over-tired. I'm relieved when that happens because it means he will usually konk out in the next 5mins. But by then, mummy's patience is dental floss-thin already. If there is one moment where I swear of not having more children, this would be it.
What a strange boy.
New Label: RandR
My inagural R&R is about some people I know whom are so utterly manja and spoilt. Can go overseas alone but cannot take taxi from the airport, must have someone to fetch. I've be taking cabs myself since I started working, which was 21 years old! Then other things also must need company, until other people have to take leave/time off to accomodate.
It's not my place to comment too much lah, but I feel so geram!!! If it's my child, surely kena whack from me. Wouldn't you as a parent, teach your child to be independent so that he/she will be confident? I concluded that some parents in fact want their children to rely on them so that they feel that they are still useful.
Are you/would you be one of them?
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Tak Jadi Pigi
On the morning of departure, first I missed a step while carrying Bryan down the stairs and twisted my ankle. I must had been still very sleepy as Bryan woke up many times the previous night, crying. Which turned out to be because he has an ear infection and a fever, as a result. Dr Kwan advised us against travelling for the next 48 hours so we took heed of his advice.
The whole of yestesday was spent at home, entertaining and consoling a very cranky toddler. Luckily for me, after just one dose of paracetamol Bryan was back to his usual self - jumping around and smiling. Today, he's completely back to his usual self so that is a real blessing.
Initially, VT thought that he caught the bug from my niece, who just recovered from a similar ailment but Dr Kwan confirmed that it is not contagious.
Anyway, looks like my meeting with Sharine & En En kena postpone, sorry girls!
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Away Again
We leave tomorrow mid-morning and back on Sunday. I'm looking forward to meeting Sharine & En En. Too bad Alice & Darrius will be in KL that weekend.
I'd been spending a lot of time packing the little boy's stuff - wah, like moving house only!!!! So I apologise if I've not dropped by your blog for a while. I'll definitely do so next week.
See you later, aligators!
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
I Am Back!
Ok, that's all I know for the 3D/2N trip to Bangkok. Even then I picked that up from Thai restaurants in KL ha ha. First thing first - how was the trip?
Well, I was not impressed with the city and the shopping despite all the raving reviews that I've received. Chatuchak reminded me of Petaling Street, MBK of Sg Wang and Siam Paragon of KLCC. Traffic was horrendous and I was surprised that the laymen didn't understand English. What I liked about Bangkok?
FOOD - you have to give your hats off to them. I had tom yum every meal.
Dirt cheap massages/spa & pedicures! I feel like our local shops are ripping me off now.

And then, there was LINKIN PARK LIVE IN CONCERT!! That was THE deal-clincher for this trip. We didn't know about the concert until the first night when we were there when I was reading a tourist brochure. We went to extreme trouble to get to this concert:
1) Call Ticket Master to find out whether there were any tickets left
2) Found out where the closest Ticket Master outlet is (turned out they had one at the Central Plaza near Silom)
3) Rushed there the next morning to secure tickets
4) Walked the entire mall looking for the tiny booth, which is in a music store
5) Booked a cabbie for 5 hours as the event was held in some faraway venue, away from Bangkok city centre
But really, it was all worth it despite the concert starting only at 9:40pm and us, 2 Malaysian gals, suffering two hours of an opening act by a Thai singer. We head-banged for an hour plus and left Bangkok, somewhat satisfied.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Happy Blogging Wish
Here's wishing everyone out there "Happy Blogging". We all know just how addictive blogging can be :)

Friday, 9 November 2007
I Don't Feel Like Me
Thank goodness as today is also the first day this week when I'm a SAHM. I don't know how you permanent SAHM do it, but I'm totally out of my wits! In between having Bryan sticking onto me, I have to rush for the nearest tissue box. I was thinking of dishing him to my in-laws but they had made plans till noon time today. So I ended up spending the whole day, one hand stopping Bryan from sticking his teeny little fingers into the electrical plugs, and the other doing some other form of plugging of my own!
I had only managed to pack (for my trip, and Bryan's bag as he will be spending the day with my parents tomorrow as VT is working) when dear VT came back close to 8pm. And that's saying that he will be back early!
Now, with VT tucking Bryan off to sleep, I'm off to make a fresh batch of yogurt, pay for the hotel reservation for my trip to Penang next weekend and settle down to sleep.
Tell me, how do you SAHM cope with the kids when you're down & out???
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Many First's
YK and I came back to my place, propped ourselves in front the computer and sorted everything out in less than 20mins. Who needs travel agents anymore when I have the world at my fingertips (also having a credit card helps greatly!). So we're leaving on Saturday morning and returning on Monday night. We've booked ourselves into a chic, boutique hotel called "The Davis". I've also made arrangments to have dinner with my colleague on Sat night. Looks like we're all set! I'm feeling excited because it will be my first trip to Bangkok (I know, you can gasped in amazement). I am feeling a tad guilty for leaving both the men of my life behind. But I think I need this trip to refresh myself.
Hence, this trip will mark many 1st times for me:
- 1st time to Bangkok/Thailand
- 1st time to LCCT
- 1st time travelling on Air Asia
- 1st time on holiday without VT & Bryan
- 1st time travelling with just another friend
A Tribute To My Mum & Dad (and Brothers!)

To My Dad:
1) Who taught me to appreciate all things in life and how I should work hard to earn for what I want. Since I was young, Dad insisted that I earned the things I wanted, be it by passing school/music exams or working to get my first mobile phone & car, eventhough he could get them for me. For that, I appreciate what I have because it wasn't "free".
2) Who taught me good English. He would patiently sit down with me during highschool and teach me proper English. I will never forget the difference between "lend" and "borrow".
3) Who never thought twice before helping me out - be it at school (I was crap at art but Dad was good at drawing dogs!) or at work (he advised me on how to deal with colleagues).
4) Who ALWAYS emphasised the importance of being an honest person. He is always able to sleep well at night, knowing that he has nothing to hide. I want to be like him.
5) Who taught me the "Golden Mean" rule - to practise moderation in everything in life.
6) Who exposed me to art & culture from a very young age. We attended musicals and visited art galleries/museums together as a family. He reminds me that there is more to life than your monetary possessions.
7) Who is a great cook.
To my Mum:
1) Who taught me to speak up for myself and to always ask. I will never forget that "Questions are free".
2) Who taught me that I should always speak the truth, even if it meant facing the consequences.
3) Who always forgave me when I did wrong, and loved me even more when I'd admitted my mistakes.
4) Who never caved in to my insistence to buy millions of Barbie dolls, so that I learn to play with what I have.
5) Who until today, helped me by doing marketing for me, knowing that I don't have time during the weekdays.
6) Who ALWAYS tried her best to help me in my motherhood experience in whatever way possible.
7) Who acted as a mediator and reconciler whenever I had arguments with Dad.
8) Who is also a great cook.
And while I'm at it, I'm also appreciative of my two brothers because:
1) They never allowed me to be a spoilt brat despite being the only girl and the youngest in the family.
2) They protected me in school when I was bullied/teased because I was so darn fat.
3) They saved my skin a couple of times (no details!!).
4) They love Bryan unconditionally.
5) We can give each other crap and laugh about it.
6) We have fun together, up till today! I pray that we will always stay this way.

Monday, 5 November 2007
Long Leave
So, what are my plans you may ask?
This week
Mon - Wed: Blog, Blog, Blog!
Thurs & Fri: SAHM
Sat - Mon next week: Short holiday with Bryan's godma, Jo - haven't decided where yet
Next week
Tues - Thurs: SAHM
Fri - Sun: Penang with in-laws (I'm planning on meeting up with Sharine!!)
Anyone who wants to yum cha, drop me a note here!
Old Floggies Out Partying

(Photo courtesy of
We finally got home past 3 AM, successfully dodging a police roadblock on the way home as we took another route coincidentally. Not like we would had been caught - we're responsible drivers *Ahem* I crashed out the moment my head hit the pillow.
I had initially thought that I would get to sleep in the next day as we were thinking of fetching Bryan back after he wakes up from his morning nap, hence the late night out. But at around 9am, I woke up and looked around. VT was already up and.....wait a moment.........I could hear Barmey singing!!!! I jumped out of bed immediately and ran downstairs. My boy was home already!!!!! Boy, I really missed him despite being half-asleep. But we really paid the price for staying up late as we were both very tired the entire day. I crashed out at 10pm last night.
Late Treat

Thursday, 1 November 2007
From Maid to Mate
Her: How come you're still so tired? I thought Bryan is more than a year old now?
Me: Ya lor....but he's still waking up 2-3 times a night. Don't know why - just wake up, cry, cuddle up to me, and goes back to sleep
Her: Wah like that ah?
Me: It's ok lah....after a while, your body gets used to broken sleep
Her: I have already told *husband's name" that the baby will be sleeping with the maid from Day 1
Now, I know many mothers who opted to do the same thing as what my friend mentioned. Do their children love them less? I don't think so. Then the question I ask myself is, "Am I sacrificing too much?". Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining but this just got me thinking a bit more than usual.
Monday, 29 October 2007
The Red Gate
We hurried back and on the way down to the carpark, we passed a pretty hot chick decked out in a teeny, weeny pair of shorts and a tight-fitting RED tank top, which emphasised certain physical traits. I had no doubt that VT caught sight of the girl but he non-chalantly continued our conversation, which was about what type of grill gates we should get. Then, VT blurted out…….
VT: “About the RED gates……….. “
Me: “HUH???”.
VT: *sheepish*
Me: Orrrrrrrrrrrrr……you thinking about that girl that just walked past, is it?
VT: (laughing)….ya lor cos she was wearing red……….
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Tag: Crazy Eight Meme
1. My family
2. Being a kind & symphatetic person
3. Helping to my best capability & capacity
4. Cook books
5. Childcare
6. Shopping!
7. Baking
8. Reading
1. Visit as many places as I can
2. See my children grow up to be responsible & kind people
3. See my children get married & have kids of their own
4. Spend the last second with my husband, reminising about old times
5. Tell my parents how much I love & appreciate them
6. Do more charitable work
7. Own a BMW 6 series
8. Design & build my own house
1. Don't bluff lah
2. Don't do that
3. Ha Ha, Really???!
4. No way!
5. Can can
6. How come.....?
7. Are you coming home for dinner tonight? (to hubs)
8. Sure or not?
(P/S: I didn't realise that I'm such a suspicious person *gasp*)
1. The latest book by Mitch Albom - I forget its title
2. The past 7 editions of Woman's Weekly
1. Always There - Kate Alexa
2. Uptown Girls - Billy Joel
3. Nothing Can Stop Us Now - Starship
4. At the Beginning - Regina something and Richard Marx
5. I Will Survive
6. You're My Inspiration - Chicago
7. Any song by Josh Groban
8. Any song by Abba
- I've only one best friend
1. Motherhood
2. Not the sort who gets jealous
3. Sharing attitude
4. Ability to talk rubbish
5. Comforting
6. Cheerfulness
7. Smacks me in the head when I'm being stupid
8. For being herself
1. How to be more patient
2. How to wear diapers (not pull-ups) with the baby standing up
3. How to bancuh milk at the perfect temperature for Bryan
4. What ETL is in IT-language
5. How to tolerate A LOT
6. How to fold cloth diapers from muslin cloth
7. How to start a blog
8. How to tell people off in a nice way
Pass - many people have done this already lor
Tag: Lucky Number 5
Anyhow, I got this tagged but had forgotten whom I got it from because I did a copy and paste from work and sent it to my yahoo email. Sorry! Will make up for it later....malu......
~ Wallet
~ Mirror
~ Lipstick
~ Mobile Phone
~ Lozenges & Mints
~ Cards in all forms & manner (IC, credit, loyalty, business)
~ Minimal cash (been bag-snatched 3 times!)
~ Photocopies of IC & Driver’s license
~ Photo of myself as a baby (not vain lah, cos Bryan looked so much like me!)
~ Receipts of claims that I haven’t done
~ Walk-in wardrobe
~ No-longer-used baby cot
~ Vanity table with a lot of rubbish in/on it
~ Shelf with lots of books
~ Bryan ’s clothes cabinet
~ Be a freelance writer
~ Travel and see the world
~ Bake up a storm
~ Take my Mum to Japan
~ Read more!
~ Blogging & Blog-hopping
~ Massages & Facials
~ Batch-cooking Bryan’s lunches
~ Buying cheap pyjames for Bryan from Tesco (I HAVE to buy at least one set each time I go to Tesco – so gila!!)
~ I'll pass on this cos quite a number of people have done it
Guilt Spending
And that’s exactly what I did on Friday during lunchtime. I’m now a proud owner of the latest Motorola phone, the V8. Not much of a difference from my existing phone, but what can I say – I’m a sucker for aesthetically pleasing-looking things.

I was also toying with the idea of buying myself a Coach work bag which I have been eyeing for the past 2 years, as a birthday present from myself to myself J You can get it on eBay for less than RM1k but after this recent phone purchase, I think I’ll shelf the idea for another 2 years.

With a child in tow, I have been more conscious about how I spend my money.
The "High & Mighties"
Last night, as I was inching slowly (read: massive traffic jam) down Jalan Tun Razak heading towards the SMART Tunnel, I caught sight of some flashing lights. Soon after, I heard the police sirens and then I saw the police out-rider. He came charging down the middle of the 2 lanes and started waving cars to move to the side. Like the obedient citizens that we are, the cars moved to the sides, including yours truly. Then a black S-class Mercedes with its hazard lights switched on (and THEY tell us not to drive with hazard lights) zoomed past, bearing a crest instead of a number plate.
It really makes me wonder: how come I get stuck in traffic when they don’t? Is their time more precious than mine? Are they rushing home to put a baby to sleep like I am, or could they be late for a dinner engagement? Why can’t they experience the way of life like any other rakyat?
At times like this, migration seems oh-so-appealing!
What Have I Become??
I was twiddling around with Facebook and decided to look for a photo of myself to post onto my profile. I started searching my PC for a decent photo and came across photos taken when I was holidaying in Melbourne with VT & his family in March 2005.
I was shocked when I saw this photo of myself back from 2 1/2 years ago:
How on Earth did I manage to put on 15kgs since then?? I have been for the past year trying to tell myself that it's ok not being stick-thin but seeing this photo, really got me down :( Just 2 nights ago, I couldn't find anything to wear for a friend's wedding. The only dress that fit made me look pregnant because of its empire line.
VT keeps re-assuring me that I will lose the weight after I have #2 (don't know when that is!) and it's really my own doing because I like to eat yet I'm too lazy to exercise. I used to run 5km, 3 times a week just before getting preggers. But I don't have any motivation now.
I am wallowing in self-pity now....that is what happens when I have too much time to myself, I suppose!
P/S: I uploaded that particular photo into Facebook afterall - bluff people Ha Ha
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Curi Curi
As usual, LDP was jammed even at 11am. But I'm quite used to sitting in jams, since I work in the Golden Triangle. It's like the story of my life. On days where there aren't any, I double-check the calendar to ensure it is not a public holiday! Usually I enjoy day-dreaming when I'm stuck in trafiic, or turning to Mix FM and singing to the retro hits. Today, I decided to look around into the other cars, and guess what I saw? A man who is around 30-ish, using a tweezer to pull "-don't-know-what" from his chin!!!! He saw me staring at him, looked a bit sheepish, but continued on his merry way!!!
What do YOU do when stuck in traffic?
Home Sick: Part II
Yesterday, I napped from 2:30pm right up to 7:30pm! It felt so good although I paid the price for the long nap at night as I was tossing and turning till past midnight. Bryan also woke up a couple of times last night, crying - must be teething again. So when I woke up this morning, I was still groggy hence decided to "stuff work" and get more rest. Although I'll restrain myself from long afternoon nap today!
Monday, 22 October 2007
Home Sick
Previously, when I get sick I couldn't really be bothered. I won't stay home unless I'm half-dead. But now, I take very good care of myself less I pay my infections to Bryan. So that's why I decided to stay home today and get proper rest.
After spending an hour at Dr Wong's (waiting lah!), I came home, made myself a sandwich from leftover roast chicken, whacked some bacon strips (I know, very heaty but couldn't resist!) and took the medication. I'm off to Zzzzz Land soon........funnily, before Vin Tze left for work this morning, he warned me,
"Better rest more and don't BLOG!" hahaha he knows me all too well!
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Tag: 38 questions tag
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? Bryan
2. What were you doing at 0800? Making breakfast for hubby & Bryan
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Trying to put Bryan down for his nap....unsuccessfully
4. What happened to you in 2006? Gave birth to Bryan
5. What was the last thing you said out loud? "Bye-bye, mama will see you tomorrow" (- to Byran who is sleeping over at my PIL's tonight)
6. How many beverages did you have today? 5- Water, Coffee, Gingle Ale, Diet Coke, Fresh coconut
7. What color is your hairbrush? I don't use one - I just my fingers ha ha
8. What was the last thing you paid for? Bryan's haircut
9. Where were you last night? Dinner with my family @ Overseas Restaurant
10. What color is your front door? White
11. Where do you keep your change? In the wallet
12. What’s the weather like today? Rainy then sunny now (gila-punya)
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? Jamoaca Almond Fudge!
14. What excites you? Thought of getting a pay rise
15. Do you want to cut your hair? No, just had one 2-3 weeks ago
16. Are you over the age of 25? Proudly Yes
17. Do you talk a lot? Definitely yes! I'm nicknamed "Motor Mouth" by my family.
18. Do you watch the O.C.? No
19. Do you know anyone named Steven? No
20. Do you make up your own words? Nope
21. Are you a jealous person? Yes quite
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. Aileen
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’. Karen
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list? My mum
25. What does the last text message you received say? It was an invitation to my friend's son 1st birthday party.....
26. Do you chew on your straw? No
27. Do you have curly hair? No (not at the top anyway, ha ha)
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to? Wedding dinner at PJ Hilton
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life? Can't think of any. I try to forget unpleasant people.
30. What was the last thing you ate? A cream cracker
31. Will you get married in the future? Most likely not
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? Where got time to watch movie??
33. Is there anyone you like right now? I don't hate anyone, although some get on my nereves more than others!
34. When was the last time you did the dishes? Last night
35. Are you currently depressed? No
36. Did you cry today? No - frustrated yes but not sad
37. Why did you answer and post this? Because I cakap banyak
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
Friday, 19 October 2007
All By Myself
Do you know the song sung by Celine Dion "All By Myself", though it was originally sung by another artist? I don't usually mind being all by myself at most times since I was a little girl - except when it came to a particular situation:
I always found it strange to sit down by myself for a meal outside. I would rather do a takeaway or buy some bread to munch along the way. During my earlier days of worklife, I often travelled alone but never did I once have a meal by myself, if it wasn't in the hotel or office.
But here I was, today (last Friday), sitting in the Little Penang Cafe at The Curve, walloping a plate of Chicken Nasi Lemak and washing it down with barley lime. It didn't occur to me that I didn't used to like it - I just sat down, ordered, ate and left. Only after that did I realise that I had the first proper outside meal on my own (fastfood joints don't count!).
Perhaps it's the "I-no-longer-give-a-crap" attitude which comes with age and possibly, motherhood.
Ever found yourself doing something that you never used to do?
Pamper Myself Day
- because that was what kept me occupied for almost 5hours at The Curve today!
First stop - pedicure & scrub (1+ hr)
Second stop - eyebrow trimming (15mins)
Third stop - facial & eye treatment (2hrs)
Fourth & last stop - full body massage (1hr)
How about that?! I'm very pleased with myself though this would most likely change when the credit card bill arrives!
"Que sara sara........whatever will be, will be...."
Tag: 5 Post Links to Keywords
1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below.
2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.
3. Don’t forget to read the archived post and leave comments.
Link ONE must be about FAMILY: Saturday Night Fever
Link TWO must be about FRIEND: Saturday Soiree
Link THREE must be about YOURSELF: Biggest MaMa of All
Link FOUR must be about YOUR LOVE: Good News for Me
Will only pass this tag to 2 new acquaintances (yes, despite the strict instructions) because most bloggers I know have done this previously.
Mummy to Chumsy
Mummy to QiQi
Tags: Shopping Tips
Of all people, I would be the last person to give effective shopping tips because I always buy, buy, buy and then regret later. I'm a compulsive shopper ha ha.
Anyway, here's my contribution.
.~ Start copy ~
It’s very simple. When you receive this tag, copy the whole list and add your own shopping tip to the bottom and pass it on.
Wear comfy clothing when you’re shopping. You don’t wanna fuss with too many laces and buttons when you’re trying clothes on.
Choose stores offering some kind of reward program, e.g. purchase points, rebates or store coupons. Knowing how the program works and when to use them will save you a lot of money in the long run.
Always ask for a discount or bargain, especially when you pay cash for big purchase like furniture and electrical items, you will be surprised how much lesser you have to pay.
Buy in bulk or from the hypermarket. Hypermarket like Giant and Tesco has greater offer than places like Jusco or Parkson. (I’m referring to household stuffs)
Think again if it does really makes any different without having that, and if no, it means you don’t really need to spend on that.
Wear comfortable shoes when going for shopping spree. Closed toes and high heels won’t give you the joy of shopping. If possible, wear sneakers or sandals like Birkenstock. )
Make sure to jot down the prices of the stuff that you normally buy. Browse thru all the leaflets of promotions whenever you find them and scan for the stuffs you needed because sometimes they offer stuffs cheaper than the big players. This would save you time and energy running between retailers around to compare prices.
Make a list for groceries that you need to get so that you don't miss anything out and then go "SH*T" when you arrive back at home.
Not passing this to anyone since I think may have done this.
My Work Week Summary #3
Firstly, Monday was a holiday. Then I went to Singapore on my usual business trip for 2 days and came back only 11:30pm last night. Then today I'm off so effectively, only 1 day spent in the KL office so it felt very short.
I've been and will be traveling to Singapore very frequently (at least once every 2-3 weeks) as I'm on a project till at least May 2008. So I'd rather make short trips so that Bryan doesn't forget me! All these 2D/1N trips are extremely tiring and tiresome because all I see is the airport, office & hotel. So far, I've been to Spore 5 times but not once have I stepped into a shopping mall or Orchard Road. How sad is that??! And to think that I can get a full night's sleep away from Bryan, but no........I still wake up 1-2 times in the middle of the night, sometimes wondering where Bryan is and getting a tad dis-orientated! It must be habitual.....just like habitual wakings for babies ha ha.
I have 2 more work weeks before I start on my 2 weeks of compulsory leave. The company has a policy whereby all staff needs to be on a 2-week stretch of leave in a year to allow other people to do your work. You know, in case you're embezzling money or something LOL. That's why we are given 30 days annual leav entitlement a year. I carried forward 16 days from last year since I didn't go away much as I was trying to do as much as possible before delivering. So quite shiok lah this year, been taking days off here and there :) Need them to keep sanity in check!
Monday, 15 October 2007
Five Out Of Five
I must really say that I'm proud of myself and of that little monkey too. It wasn't as tough as I had imagined to be, no tears even. What I did was after milk in the morning and evening, I will put him on our bed and let him roll around. He would be talking non-stop (bla, bla, kor, kor, grr,'s amazing to hear all the noises that he makes - sounded like I was at the zoo!) and performing acrobts. But each time he tries to get up, I will put him back down on the pillow again. It's not exactly easy because I had to do this for what seemed like forever. After about an hour, he would finally settle down and let me pat him to sleep, while holding my thumb of course.
Although it takes a lot of patience and time, I am very happy that Bryan is able to sleep on his own plus his naps have extended themselves from 1.5hrs to 2hrs! Must be his non-stop babbling.
I don't know whether my MIL will have the same commitment to do this during the weekdays but at least when Bryan is with me during the weekends, he knows that his mummy still loves him although he will have to sleep on his own.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Makeover Photos
Sorry to disappoint those that has been waiting. Next time yah!
Another Milestone
My MIL and I have been rocking Bryan for his naps since the day he was born. In fact, we used to rock him at night as well but then I found out by chance one day that if I switched all the lights off and stayed very still, Bryan is able to roll around in our bed for 1/2 hour and then fall asleep by himself. Welllll....not TOTALLY by himself, he needs to hold both my thumbs and play with them until he's in zzzzzzzzzzzz. Don't know what's with the thumbs.
Anyway, Bryan must be pushing 12kgs now and that's really no joke to still be rocking him to sleep although it usually doesn't take more than 10mins. The last weekend when I did this, my arms almost broke and I had a shooting pain done my spine, which ached dully the whole wekeend. So this rocking business had to stop. Coincidentally, my friend whose daughter just turned 2yrs went through the same thing. I'd asked her for tips, and her method was really of force. Each time the daughter got up, they would make her sleep again. Now Bryan is what books classify as a "Spirited" baby, in Malaysian terms, "Naughty & Stubborn" lah. So I think besides forcing him to sleep like what my friend did, I can't think of any other way that will work for him.
I've tried:
- putting soft music
- telling a story (doesn't last 1/2 second until he walks away)
- singing (even worse....must be my voice)
- patting (won't keep still)
Hence this weekend, since I've got 3 days with him, I'll give the brutal method a try. If you have any humane method, please let me know!
Tag: First Letter of Your Name to Asnwer Each Question
The tag is about using the 1st letter of your name to asnwer the following:
1. Famous Singer : Peter Cetera
2. Four letter word : Puke
3. Street : PJU 3/**
4. Color : Peach
5. Gifts/Presents : Plants
6. Vehicle : Porsche (not like I own one keke)
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Procelain plates
8. Boy Name : Peter
9. Girl Name : Penelope
10. Movie Title : haven't watched a movie lately - can someone please help out?
11. Drink : Pina Colada (got this idea from Wen's posting on her night out - thanks ah, saved me processing power)
12. Occupation : Policeman/woman
13. Celebrity : Pamela Anderson
14. Magazine : PC World
15. U.S. City : Pittsburg
16. Pro Sports : Punting?
17. Fruit : Pineapple
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : Play with baby
19. Something You Threw Away : Plastic containers
20. Something You Shout : Please Don't Do That!!
21. Cartoon Character : Peter Pan (sorry Wen, again got "inspired" by your tag)
I'll pass this tag to:
Tag: Most Embarassing Moment
I got plenty lah....think I'm a sucker for public humiliation. But I think this one has to be IT lah!
This happened 3 years ago at my function's annual conference. I used to be a high performer at work and I often got recognised for my quality output. During the conference, there would be awards for such performers. So that year, obviously I'd expected to receive one. Of course, very excited & nervous lah because can go up the stage and receive the award from the Group Head in front of 200 people mah. When the time came for the Awards, they would usually read out something about that person before they mentioned the name of the recipient.
They read out this summary of a person who sounded like me - based on work done, values, character - so I got REALLY got excited. The more they said, the more it sounded like ME! They went on for about 1 minute and just about when they were going to announce the name, I was already so big-headed that I stood up and started walking towards the stairs to go up the stage.
SUDDENLY, they mentioned the name and it wasn't me!!! Wah.....I didn't know what to do then because I had 200 people staring at me already. Luckily the door to go to the toilet was near where I was so I cooly pretended that I needed to go to the ladies. Of course, my closer colleagues knew what happened and teased me endlessly (till today!).
So you tell me, MALU OR NOT????? Serves me right lah!
P/S: I did receive the award that year....but later on ha ha
My Work Week Summary #2
I was feeling tired and lazy today so cabut-ed from work at 5pm sharp and here I am, back at home for an hour or so before heading over to my PILs. I know I have banyak homework to do that's why I decided to come home first.
So will blog more later, after I get the tags done since I'd promised a few people already. See lah, first complain never get tags now got them from left, right, centre he he
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Tag: Autograph Book
This tag is very simple lah.....answer questions only. Can do in 5mins flat. When I was young, we used to sign "autograph books" - which are simply a list of your likes & dislikes. Here it is:
#1 What is your favourite movie?
Nadia - a true story of Nadia Comenaci, the first gymnast to score a perfect 10
#2 Who is your favourite singer?
Josh Groban
#3 Which song gets you grooving in the morning?
Uptown Girls
#4 What is your favourite fruit?
#5 Who is your best friend (excluding your family)?
Bridget - known her since 5. Coincidentally, we're sitted 20m apart at work though doing different things
#6 Name one activity you would like to indulge in, in your free time.
#7 When was the last time you laughed so hard till your sides hurt?
Yesterday, during lunch with colleagues. Topic of conversation was whether men cheated in a relationship more than women
#8 Do you recall your last dream?
Yes - I dreamt that I was hunting high & low for a bib but couldn't find any! DUH!!
#9 What is your all-time favourite hobby?
Reading Reader's Digest. Have been obssessed with it since I was very young.
#10 When was your last holiday without the children?
Bali in April 2007 with a bunch of girls from work
Feel free to pass this tag on to anyone. I'm passing this tag to:
- Jazzmint
- Sharine
- Wen
- Angeleyes
- Sasha
- HealthFreakMummy
My Work Week Summary #1
This work week has been tiresome and tiring. Lots of people asking for this and that....sometimes, it's so simple but because they are so darn lazy, everything ask me to do. Anyway, no real complains lah since I really enjoy my job.
I had a couple of good lunches - took the regulators out and then yesterday went out with colleagues to Marco Polo to eat dim sum. Nowadays I eat whatever I want to eat lar...not too bothered with my weight although I still maintain a good appearance. Who says fat people cannot look and feel good, right? Actually, I'd made an appointment to get a makeover at Laura Mercier next Monday during lunchtime. WHY? I've got a dinner with colleagues from around the world and some I haven't met before so must make good impression lah kekeke. Some more some of them haven't seen me since the pregnancy so better look better so as not to shock them hahaha. Will try to take a "Before" and "After" photo - should be funny!
Then of course, traffic was sh*t as usual in the morning. Pay RM2 for Smart Tunnel also got jam GOING into the tunnel itself. That's because the Jln Tun Razak exit on the right is always jammed (I take the Jln Sultan Ismail exit) so many cars take the left lane and cut in at the last minute. Haiyah...what to do? Nobody is a saint right?
Do you find yourself more patient after becoming a mother? I sure do. I used to get easily agitated and irritated with small things, like forgetting to wear a watch to work. I suppose having a child gave me a larger perspective of life. Don't sweat the small stuff! I used to worry alot as well - actually, I still do but I'm more conscious of it now so I try not to. My mentor once told me this -
"Worrying is like sitting on a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but doesn't take you anywhere!"
How true is that???!
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Biggest Mama of All
Stick-thin mummies!!!!
First, there was this young 20-s mum with her daughter, whom is about the same age as Bryan. She was wearing skin-tight shorts and heels. And mind you, we were at a Kopitiam at Wisma Atria, at 9 in the morning. And here I was, in a billowy out-of-shape fushia skirt with elastic waistband and a white blourse splattered with cereal from Bryan's earlier attempt to self-feed. Not withstanding the fact that my eyebags were so dark and big that I put a panda to shame.
Then later at lunch in Summer Palace, there was a utterly chic mama with not one, but two toddlers. Her hair was long, straight with not a strand out of place. She carried a fashionable tote and sunglasses perched on her head. Vastly improved from the fushia shirt, I was in a polo T and pants (which had a small pumpkin stain from Bryan's lunch) and I carry the usual big, blue Kipling bag stuffed full with baby amenities. My hair? Aside from the colour, it was as dead as it could be.
After an afternoon nap, we popped by The Curve for ice-cream. Needless to say, it was a world of fashionitas mummies who look so darn thin & good. I didn't change from after lunch, by the way, nor from after birth. I'm still lugging around 13 additional kilos.
I hereby present myself with the "Biggest Mama of All" award. Luckily my son doesn't know better :)
Tired Today
1) Got lunch appointment with PILs
2) Blogging (haha - I'm addicted to this!!)
3) Bryan wide awake - somewhere I cannot nap in peace if he's not napping. Weird, right?
Anyway, reason for my being so tired is that Bryan's teething again. I felt his gums yesterday - found out that another upper tooth has cut, which explained his constant drooling the past 2 days, and also felt that his bottom gums are tender. So he woke up crying about 3-4 times last night.
This morning, we brought him for the Chicken Pox vaccination and he slept on the way back from the paeds. I successfully transfered him to the bed and lied down beside him, hoping to snooze as well. But lo and behold!- he woke up just 5mins later.
After lunch, I think I have to come home and got headache.
Good News for Me
1) No more working on Saturdays, except for the 1st Sat of every month
2) No more hardhats and boots, and talking & acting like PCK
3) Improvement of his 'England' haha
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! I am estastic, as you can tell. It's good to have someone around the house to keep an eye on Bryan while I blog (like now!) kekeke. I'm also praying that there will be fewer crazy working hours for him. When he's at site, he sometimes need to work the midnight shifts because they can only carry out work when all the shops close.
I'm glad to have my Phua Chu Kang on Saturdays again :)
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Oh, What a Day!
Please raise your hands if you're guilty of not doing so - {{Both my hands are in the air now}}
I decided to take this golden opportunity to have a full day all to myself, yes, me, myself & I. So what was I up to?
9:30am - 10:30am Grocery shopping at Tesco. Managed to pick up those wonderful RM4.50 pyjamas set for Bryan.
11:00am - 3:00pm Salon visit: got a colour, highlight & spa pedicure. Costs more than I had wanted to pay.
3:00pm - 5:00pm Walked around in Ikano; picked up 2 CDs (Linkin Park and Alanis Morisette). I had wanted to look for those big bibs @ Ikea but couldn't find any.
Now Blogging. Off soon to the pharmacy to get my supply of Buds Baby Lotion before heading over to PIL's for dinner. Bryan is having a bad case of heat rash on his back. Contemplating whether I have enough time to cook up a batch of Maceroni & Cheese first. I think got - so off I go!!
WARNING : Photos Galore
1 day old
1 month old
At 4 months
At 5 months
At 9 months
No...Bryan didn't become a dog, though he was born in the year of ! This was his 1st birthday cake, aptly reflecting this. The model is his favourite soft toy, which also happened to be a dog.
Bryan - 1 years old
Saturday Soiree